Why Welsh Cakes Checked All the Boxes for My Home Bakery

Why Welsh Cakes Checked All the Boxes for My Home Bakery

When I was on a quest to add some supplementary items to my baking business menu, I stumbled across a recipe on Pinterest for Welsh Cakes. I had never heard of Welsh cakes before and I was instantly intrigued. Welsh cakes are a traditional sweet bread in Wales typically filled with currants or some type of dried fruit and flat-bread baked on a hot griddle. They are also dusted in granulated sugar after frying.

So I set out to make some to try my hand at them and, my oh my, are they delicious! They were a hit with my whole family and it’s really a bit difficult to describe what is so addicting about these little cakes of yumminess but they are just that….addicting. But what I really loved about Welsh cakes is that they checked all of the boxes for my baking business….delicious, easy to make, AND unique. It is my goal to always include at least 1-2 items on my menu that are unique and typically not found in my area and Welsh cakes definitely fit the bill here.

If you have your own bakery, or are a new bakery owner, or are thinking about opening a bakery…I encourage you to think hard about what you might add to make your bakery stand out from the rest. When I get a moment, I will link my recipe for Welsh cakes but, for now, I’ll link you out to another recipe just so you have one asap.

Also, go to Pinterest now and search for Welsh cakes. Select a post and don’t open it…just scroll down for “more”. When you do this, that is how you will find related items…items you or I have likely never heard of. This is how I stumbled upon Welsh cakes to begin with. You can also Pinterest “unique baked goods”. The possibilities are endless and I’m excited to see what you come up with….think out of the box, friends, find new baked goods that will delight your customers and make your business unique. Excited for you and your success!

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